Tuesday, July 12, 2011

{Christmas in July} #1 - Santa Belt Ornament

I love the holidays and can't wait to decorate our house this year.  Last Christmas, we had just moved in and after all the cleaning, fixing and painting of buying a foreclosure, I lost alot of steam.  Plus, we were still totally trying to get a feel for the space and how we would use this wonderful new home.  This year we will be much more settled and look forward to bringing the Holidays to life.

With the temps over 100 degrees in Arizona nearly every day from about June through September, a white Christmas sounds great about now!  Over the next couple of weeks I will share a few Holiday projects I am working on.


Today is all about Santa and his jolly belly.  At the end of the season last year, I picked up a tube of glittery red balls for half price in the Target Dollar Spot!  I simply cut a 1/2" strip of felt, wrapped it around the center of the ball and added a small square frame made out of paper.  I added some silver glitter glue (found at the Target Dollar Spot yesterday) to the buckle for a little extra bling.

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  1. I've been thinking about making this type of ornament. I'm glad to know that it is super easy. Thanks for sharing! {I hope I picked up some of those ornaments last year. I bought some but I can't remember if they are the glittery ones.}

  2. Oh my goodness, this is darling- the sparkle is perfect, and I love the presentation on the candlestick.
    I'm hosting a month-long Christmas in July- I'd love it if you'd like this up! Thanks!

  3. So cute. I'm so in love with the holidays and already planning for them as well!

    I would be really honored if you were to link up next week at my Pajama Party!



  4. It's hot, hot, hot here in the south too! That ornament is adorable! Might have to make a few of those myself since I bought a thing of glitter ornaments on sell after Christmas last year too. ;)

  5. I love Santa Belly inspired crafts! The trees go in the store in August now, right? I kid. It's never too early for holiday crafting!

    If you have a moment today, please share this with my readers @Creative Juice Thursday Hope to see you there!

  6. Congrats! You've been featured at this weeks Hookin Up with HoH party!

    Feel free to stop by and grab a button if you'd like!


    Allison @ House of Hepworths

  7. Super, super cute! I want to make some of these Ÿ

  8. Luv this idea! Tks for sharing.

  9. A coke can tab top makes a great buckle, too. I have never glittered one but they already look metal.

  10. I found you via Pinterest, luckily your name is on the picture or I might not have. I LOVE the idea. Thanks for posting this.


  11. I also found you via Pinterest! I used a silver glitter sheet from the scrap booking section of Hobby Lobby to make the buckle! Super easy, wonderful and fabulous!!! Thank you!


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